Nouage beauty products. (brand, identity, strategy, web)
The term "Nouage" is a derivation of the french word "Nuage" (cloud), chosen to identify delicacy and naturalness of the formula.
Naming and payoff
Logo, Brand Identity, Manual and mockups
Visual Marketing and Digital Art
Web (Wordpress + Woocommerce, premium theme / add-ons)
Strategy and Social Media
Nouage Logo, colors and payoff
(discarded logo proposals)
Logo with "kit" payoff
Logo color test
Concept for "kit" e production lines
Red Alternative (for production line)
Concept for Advertising and Original Themes
headers for web, advertising and social media
Themes (samples)
Packaging concepts (samples)
Ecards (samples)
Landing Page (welcome)
Homesite (Wordpress, premium theme + premium add-ons)
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